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Meet Our Leaders

For 25 years Advanced Building Corporation has been delivering quality projects; our repeat clients testify to this.

Our seasoned, talented construction leadership team guide complicated processes and build upon our reputation with every project. We strive to be the best and provide the best outcomes and project experiences. Each team member brings a unique skill set for every project.

Patrick Baldwin, President/Principal at Advanced Building Corporation

Patrick Baldwin


With over 20 years of experience in construction management and the Madison area real estate market, Patrick exhibits his passion for improving the overall quality of ABC with his expertise in business development. Patrick earned a BBA in Marketing from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.

In his free time Patrick spends time on local lakes and catching live music with his friends. Family is also very important as he has 3 kids and 3 grandkids to spend time with.

Khris Barber, Business Development/Principal at Advanced Building Corporation

Khris Barber

Business Development/Principal

Khris has worked in commercial construction for over 20 years. He brings extensive experience in Pre-Engineered metal building design and construction. Khris has a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Wisconsin – Madison, and an MBA from Edgewood College.

He is a lifelong resident of Waunakee, WI where he and his wife are now raising their three active children. Hobbies include skiing, cycling, and Badger Sports.

Craig Kalscheuer, Field Manager/Principal at Advanced Building Corporation

Craig Kalscheuer

Field Manager/Principal

Craig manages many of the field operations and is an owner at Advance Building Corporation. He has been working in the construction field for over 20 years. During this time, he has spent much of it leading the steel crews and working in our metal building division.

Craig enjoys spending time with his wife and two young sons. He loves his Harley, and time on his boat relaxing and fishing with his family.

Gary Tree of Advanced Building Corporation

Gary Tree

Business Development

Gary has over 30 years of experience leading clients in the planning, developing, managing and construction of building projects. His work has included tenant buildouts, retail facilities, commercial, industrial, educational and medical facilities. He enjoys guiding clients through the entire process and delivering predictable outcomes.

Gary likes to spend time with his family and grandkids and is active in his church. Coffee roasting, cooking, fishing, and biking are a few of his favorite activities. Gary is active in the Downtown Madison Rotary Club.

Kevin Harn, Business Development at Advanced Building Corporation

Kevin Harn

Business Development

Kevin has over 40 years of experience in the construction industry including consulting, estimating, sales, and project management. Kevin enjoys hunting, fishing, boating, being outdoors, and spending time with his wife Julie, daughters Kayla and Rachel, and their dog Piper.

Dan Biersdorf, Controller at Advanced Building Corporation

Dan Biersdorf


Dan has over 20 years of accounting experience. Dan’s experience includes being an auditor for PricewaterhouseCoopers as well as leading the finance department at a national construction company licensed in all 50 states.

Dan is an active member of the Oregon Masonic Lodge, Oregon-Brooklyn Lions Club, and Madison Elks Lodge.

Frank Gauger, Senior Project Manager at Advanced Building Corporation in South Central WI

Frank Gauger

Senior Project Manager


Dillon Kieffer

Dillon Kieffer

Senior Estimator

Dillon has over 15 years of experience in the construction industry with the last 8 years in preconstruction and estimating. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Construction Management from the University of Wisconsin – Platteville.

During his free time he enjoys adventures with his two boys, coaching youth sports, listening to live music, riding his motorcycle, working on house projects, hiking, and travelling with his fiancé Mollie.

Stephanie Walczak, Project Manager at Advanced Building Corporation in South Central WI

Stephanie Walczak

Project Manager

Stephanie Walczak has a broad range of experience in commercial construction, project management, real estate development, and property management over the last 10 years. Prior to that, she worked in the Human Resources, administrative, and finance fields. Her main goal is taking projects from start-up to long-term positive results while maintaining a communicative relationship with clients.

Stephanie enjoys gardening, supper clubs, antique shopping, and spending time with her husband. She was born and raised in Madison and is an extremely loyal Badgers fan. Go Bucky!

Andrew Walsh, Project Manager at Advanced Building Corporation in South Central WI

Andrew Walsh

Project Manager

Bruce Bedner

Bruce Bedner

Project Superintendent

Bruce has been with Advanced Building Corporation for over 20 years working in the field. Bruce manages all of our manpower resources. In his free time, Bruce enjoys paddle sports, camping, and antique collection. Bruce is also married and has 10-year-old twin girls that keep him busy.

Berny Simon, Superintendent at Advanced Building Corporation in South Central WI

Berny Simon

Project Superintendent

Leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge.
Simon Sinek

Brian Hahn, Superintendent at Advanced Building Corporation

Brian Hahn


I’ve been in construction for over 35 years, with Advanced Building Corporation 24 years.

Loves, the city of Madison especially badger football, riding backroads on my motorcycle, and kicking back while camping with my wife, dog in our vintage travel trailer.

Isaac Lindert, Project Engineer at Advanced Building Corporation

Isaac Lindert

Project Manager

Isaac has worked in the construction industry for over 10 years. He has a broad base of experience starting with residential projects in the field and currently focuses on the commercial side of the industry. He has grown into a project management role with Advanced Building Corporation including day-to-day project management and field supervision duties.

In Isaac’s free time, he enjoys sports and spending time in the outdoors. He is an active leader in the Boy Scouts of America, serving as an Eagle Scout advisor for Oregon Troop 168, to help others also achieve that honor.

Kris Rieder, Architectural Designer at Advanced Building Corporation in South Central WI

Kris Rieder

Architectural Design / Project Management


Rob Krug

Project Superintendent

I have been in construction for 35 years. I started with the carpenter apprenticeship and the last 14 years as a commercial construction superintendent. I have led projects from office remodels to hospital remodels and new multi-story hotel projects. I am passionate about the success of my projects, meeting new owners and collaborating with subcontractors. My hobbies include hunting, hiking and spending time with my family with my two grandsons keep me young.


Scott Frye

Project Superintendent



Alex Baldwin

Project Engineer


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