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Advanced Building Corporation (ABC) has moved its corporate office from rural Verona, WI to a new location off Highway 51 near the south side of Madison in McFarland, WI. The new address is 4125 Terminal Drive, Suite 100, McFarland, WI.

“The move has been part of our long term plan since we bought the company from the previous owner,” says current owner and President, Patrick Baldwin. “Having a more central location with quick access to highways and interstates allows us more efficiencies and convenience to our construction projects located throughout Wisconsin” adds Baldwin.

Company phone, fax, and email all remain the same.

ABC is a commercial construction company that has been in the Madison area for close to 30 years. They specialize in constructing commercial & retail, senior housing, metal buildings, and outdoor recreational park and facilities for companies and governments throughout Wisconsin.

For more information about ABC, please visit